woensdag 25 maart 2020


On R-bloggers I run into an article "How to create a simple Corona virus dashboard specific to your country in R" (https://www.r-bloggers.com/how-to-create-a-simple-coronavirus-dashboard-specific-to-your-country-in-r/) by a Belgium data scientist Antoine Soetewey. He created his own dashboard  based on data from Johns Hopkins Corona virus resource center (https://coronavirus.jhu.edu/map.html). He made the source of his dashboard visualizations public and invites everyone to rewrite it for his own country.

Here is my dashboard for the Netherlands: https://rpubs.com/peterverweij/591967

Here are more resources: "Top 15 R resources on Novel COVID-19 Coronavirus", https://towardsdatascience.com/top-5-r-resources-on-covid-19-coronavirus-1d4c8df6d85f 

maandag 23 maart 2020


Twitter heeft de politieke communicatie veranderd. Ten eerste creƫert Twitter een gelijk speelveld. Iedereen kan twitteren. Er is in principe geen onderscheid tussen de participanten, of het nu politici, journalisten of burgers zijn. Een tweede belangrijk effect van Twitter is dat het directe communicatie mogelijk maakt tussen politieke leiders en hun aanhang. De journalistiek als filter en spreekbuis wordt gepasseerd.
De Amerikaanse president Trump heeft het regeren middels Twitter tot een kunst verheven. Ook Nederlandse politici laten zich niet onbetuigd en gebruiken Twitter om direct met hun aanhang te communiceren. Het doel is om een bepaald item op de politieke agenda te zetten of om druk op de besluitvorming uit te oefenen. Twitterpopulisme zou omschreven kunnen worden als een vorm van politieke legitimatie via Twitter en de druk van de Twitter aanhang. In het onderstaande wordt dit populisme in het twittergedrag van een aantal politici nader onderzocht.


(this is a summary of my Dutch articles about twitter populism in the Netherlands)

Twitter is an interesting tool for politicians: it creates possibilities for direct communication with the public. Journalists as intermediary between voters and politicians become obsolete. The American president Trump is using this tool to create government based on populism: surpassing the parliament in decision making or putting pressure on the parliament through direct public support.  In Netherlands two right-wing members of the house of representatives are following this successful communication using Twitter.

Two Faces
I have downloaded and analyzed the tweets of these tow politicians: Geert Wilders, leader of the PVV(freedom party) and Thierry Baudet (forum for democracy). The outcome of this research is that both are right-wing populists. The content of their tweets shows that populism has two faces: a blue collar version(Wilders) and a more intellectual version(Baudet). While Wilders tweets express an open xenophobia; Baudet tweets focus on sovereignty, anti-EU arguments are used to wrap up xenophobia in immigration.

Here is a scatterdiagram showing the tweets of Wilders and Baudet, together with the tweets of leader of the socialists(Asscher and the Greens(Klaver)

(click to enlarge)

Explanation: The position of the documents with tweets of the four politicians are the red circles. The horizontal line is the x dimension, explaining 49% of the variations. I define this dimension as: from xenophobia to identity. The Y axis, explaining 37%, is from cooperation to sovereignty. The beginning and end of both axis are the red squares. These positions can be confirmed by the world clouds

Below you find a link to my data uploaded in Voyant, so you can inspect the data. Click top right to export or choose an other visualisation; click down left to choose a document.

zondag 22 maart 2020


Twitterdata van Wilders, Baudet, Asscher en Klaver geupload naar Voyant.
Hier is de interface voor het maken van analyse en visualisaties.

Rechtsboven verschillende  opties voor analyse; linksonder selecteer documenten.
De gemaakte analyses kunnen ook worden geexporteerd!

(klik op export rechtsboven om te vergroten of andere analyse)

Hieronder een scatterdiagram van de vier twitterbestanden:
(klik om te vergroten)

Toelichting: De positie van de vier documenten met tweets is rood omcirkelt. De eindpunten van de dimensies zijn de rode vierkanten. De x as heb ik geinterpreteerd als: van vreemdelingenhaat naar identiteit; deze as verklaart 49% van de variantie. Y as heb ik opgevat als: van samenwerking naar souvereiniteit; verklaart 37% van de variantie.

woensdag 4 maart 2020


Twitter - mini-blogging or messaging service on the internet - has changed the process of communication. In professional communication networks like for example journalism Twitter is an important new source. Twitter brought fundamental change
in professional political communication networks. The classical model of communication of Berelson and Lazersfeld, known as ‘two step flow of communication,’ seems to have lost it predominance to Twitter. Direct communication to the audiences gained in importance. An important issue in discussion about the consequences of Twitter is the idea of equality in the process of communication. Because in principle the technology behind Twitter does not discriminate between users, whether they are politicians, journalists or ordinary citizens. This equality between users lowers the threshold to participate in the process of communication, and therefore it is said Twitter contributes to democracy. With references to the classical study of Jurgen Habermas about the changes in the public sphere, Twitter could enhance the process of democratic decision making and contribute to open public debate.

This technological optimism about Twitter emerged in the nineties of past century when the Internet was still freely developing. However, in the light of recent developments, especially the rise of populism on Twitter, one can have serious doubts. In this study we will analyze the tweets of two Dutch politicians: Geert Wilders (PVV, Party for Freedom) and Thierry Baudet (FvD, Forum for Democracy), Both parties are relatively new in the Dutch political landscape. They both rose because of the resistance against the neo-liberalism that replaced the traditional party system based on religion and ideology.