dinsdag 18 november 2014
donderdag 21 augustus 2014

It not only a watch,
but with a Bluetooth connection with my Samsung Galaxy S5 it also
notifies me, when selected, of incoming mail, appointments, SMS,
tweets or Facebook updates. On top of this the device gathers data of
my physical activities, such as running, biking and the heartbeat of
course. Nice gadget for 150€. Published on Memeburn

I bought the Asus a couple of year ago and reviewed it. I was pretty enthusiastic about the performance. Asus however never send an update, so the device was still running Android 4.1.1 and got stuck in the mud of data, folders and apps. Cracking the Asus prime is not for the weak at heart. First you have to unlock the boot loader and next you have to root it. After that you have to install the new recovery mode and finally you can start installing a new operating system. Cyanogen-mod I had tried on my cell phone, a Samsung Galaxy Si 9000, which was a good experience. For the Asus Cyanogen Mod has Android 4.4.2 available.
zondag 3 augustus 2014
PLURALISM & OPENNES are key in the SA Twitter network
By Peter Verweij and Elvira van Noort
Twitter has changed the way in which journalists
do their work – they need a new set of skills to stay
relevant in their field. “If you as a journalist don’t use
it, you do yourself a disservice as news breaks on Twitter,
radio, television, newspaper – in that order”, argues Radio702
presenter Aki Anastasiou. South African freelance journalist
and avid Twitter user Gus Silber adds that “hardly any major
news event these days goes unaccompanied by analysis of what
people are saying about it on Twitter”. It is clear that Twitter
has changed their news routine and their relationship with the
Download the full issue in pdf format of Rhodes Journalism Review at:
dinsdag 22 juli 2014
HIVOS Data Journalism training at Nairobi
EJC targets data utilization in back-to-back workshops in Kenya
In partnership with the Kenya Media Programme
of Hivos, EJC sought to tackle the issue od data journalism through a three day workshop
in Machakos County outside of Nairobi 14 - 16 July. Working with veteran
EJC trainer, Peter Verweij of D3-Media
the nine Kenyan journalists, who a month earlier attended a purely
technical training on data, were guided and coached to produce actual
story outputs using tools they had learned on locating, scraping and
analyzing proper data sets.
dinsdag 20 mei 2014
en Europeanen denken vaak heel verschillend over de gevolgen van het
internet. Wat in de VS een beperking van de vrijheid van
meningsuiting wordt genoemd, heet in Europa bescherming van de
privacy. Dat bleek uit de reacties op de uitspraak van het Europese
Hof, naar aanleiding van een klacht van een Spaanse advocaat
betreffende schending van zijn privacy door oa. Google.
advocaat, Mario Costeja Gonzรกlez
, had een flinke aanvaring met de Spaanse belastingdienst. De
belastingdienst wilde zijn huis gedwongen verkopen om zijn schuld te
innen. Dat was in 1998 nieuws, en toen schreven de lokale kranten
over deze fiscale botsing. De kwestie is later opgelost. Echter, wie
nu de naam van deze persoon intypt in Google vindt bovenaan de lijst
met hits, een verwijzing naar dit oude nieuws. De betrokkene ervaart
dit als een schending van zijn privacy en eist verwijdering van de
Gepubliceerd: Dieponderzoek: http://www.dieponderzoek.nl/de-terugslag-van-het-recht-om-vergeten-te-worden/
De Nieuwe Reporter: http://www.denieuwereporter.nl/2014/05/google-privacy-en-de-fragmentatie-van-internet/
De Nieuwe Reporter: http://www.denieuwereporter.nl/2014/05/google-privacy-en-de-fragmentatie-van-internet/
maandag 12 mei 2014
dinsdag 22 april 2014
Vijf redenen om R te gebruiken in datajournalistiek
zei Stephen
onlangs, is zoiets als “social science done on deadline”. Niet
ten onrechte, immers het aantal sociale en economische data dat zich
voor die vorm van journalistiek leent neemt exponentieel toe.
Bovendien is het gereedschap nodig voor analyse en visualisaties ruim
voor handen. Een spreadsheetprogramma als Microsoft Excel is een van
de standaarden. Dat ligt voor de hand. Je hoeft niets te installeren
want Office staat meestal toch wel op je machine, omdat Word de meest
gebruikte tekstverwerker is. Het werkt ook wel handig; een toptien,
percentageverschil of een(draai)tabel zijn met enige moeite te maken.
En als je wat dieper in je data wilt duiken is er altijd nog
SPSS(Statistical Package Social Sciences). Toch denk ik dat er vijf
goede redenen zijn om te besluiten R-project
gebruiken voor datajournalistiek. Gregor
Knowledge Foundation,
zegt in het Data
Journalism Handbook:
is hard to find any visualization method or data wrangling technique
that is not already built into R. R is a universe in its own, the
mecca of visual data analysis. …Trained data journalists can use R
to analyze huge dataset which extends the limits of Excel”.
Gepubliceerd op: De Nieuwe Reporter: http://www.denieuwereporter.nl/2014/04/vijf-redenen-om-r-te-gebruiken-in-datajournalistiek/
and in English on Memeburn: http://memeburn.com/2014/05/5-compelling-arguments-for-using-r-in-data-journalism/
and in English on Memeburn: http://memeburn.com/2014/05/5-compelling-arguments-for-using-r-in-data-journalism/
donderdag 3 april 2014
Data journalism is changing the way we report elections: here’s how
Whenever there’s an election in any democratic country, its — and
sometimes the world’s media — goes tends to be put on full alert. That
said, traditional reporting is generally limited to the political issues
in the campaign and to winners and losers. Data journalism tools open a
new perspective, offering the possibility for in-depth reporting and
As renowned professor of journalism Stephen Doig notes, data journalism is something like “social science done on deadline”. As is the case with social sciences, the tools of online journalism are generally freely available online and aren’t so difficult to use. While they can seem a little daunting, when paired with a little bit of training these tools are helping change the way we report on elections.
Published at Memeburn: http://memeburn.com/2014/04/data-journalism-is-changing-the-way-we-report-elections-heres-how/
As renowned professor of journalism Stephen Doig notes, data journalism is something like “social science done on deadline”. As is the case with social sciences, the tools of online journalism are generally freely available online and aren’t so difficult to use. While they can seem a little daunting, when paired with a little bit of training these tools are helping change the way we report on elections.
Published at Memeburn: http://memeburn.com/2014/04/data-journalism-is-changing-the-way-we-report-elections-heres-how/
donderdag 27 maart 2014
Writing a one column
news story with the W's – Who, What, Where – is for most
journalists just routine. These news stories are not long and are
written using a fixed template. You could use this template again;
just replace the data for a new story. Can you teach this trick to a
computer? Writing by the computer is a matter of using a good
algorithm; using certain words in sentences in the paragraph order of
the news article. However you have add the data yourself, unless
these data come also from a computer.
Published Memeburn: http://memeburn.com/2014/03/what-a-californian-earthquake-can-teach-us-about-the-future-of-journalism/
zaterdag 22 maart 2014
donderdag 27 februari 2014
African Story Challenge
The Story Challenge is a project by the African Media Initiative (AMI), the continent’s largest association of media owners and operators, in partnership with the International Center for Journalists (ICFJ).
Email: info@africanstorychallenge.com
Facebook: AfricanStoryChallenge
Twitter: @StoryChallenge
Google Plus: African Story Challenge Community
Tel: +254 788 279 091
maandag 10 februari 2014
maandag 3 februari 2014
From the African Story Challenge
"Even veteran journalists must embrace new technologies," says Zimbabwean journalist Gibbs Dube.
Technology is opening up new frontiers in storytelling
Some experts do not need a whole lecture room to impart knowledge to students. Today I can proudly boast that I can scrap some data from websites to generate interesting content for radio listeners, television viewers and newspaper readers.
woensdag 22 januari 2014
Makoko: the unique floating community whose days may be numbered
Residents of Makoko, Lagos’s
shanty-town on stilts, face an uncertain future as they are caught between
preserving their life on the sea and finding a better future for their
A new floating school, built with foreign aid,
offers the chance of education to Makoko’s youth. But the government initially
prevented it from opening as it wants the residents moved to higher ground.
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