woensdag 27 januari 2016


Installed a new Linux machine running Kali 2.0, ready for fun.....Do some reading in one of these.

woensdag 20 januari 2016


Mapping tweets used to be a complicated process. I used R, downloading the tweets, then geo coding and mapping. Now there is a nice python program to download, analyze and map the tweets. Here is the installer.
I had no trouble installing in Ubuntu. First install the libraries; then download the the program, unzip and run the python script. Installing twitter API was no problem. Then start download the tweets and put them on a map. Here is een example.

zaterdag 9 januari 2016

Does your secure passwords look like this

I know, passwords, a pain...You have to make them, remember them and they are complicated. Like me, you make a few passwords, safe, but for a professional hacker easy to crack, and you use them several times on different sites. After some time you end up in a situation like this. Your security has dropped to less then 20%; your passwords are chaos.As if you leave your front door wide open with a sign that the key to the vault in vol 1 of Das Kapital in library.