woensdag 11 maart 2015

Mapping Twitter Followers in R

R is an interesting project for data journalism.Why? Here is an answer.
Was playing around with in R with the Twitter API and package twitteR. Here is een example of mapping followers and following on Twitter.
The how-to is here: http://thinktostart.com/map-twitter-followers-with-r/

zaterdag 7 maart 2015

WD My Book Live

Is my media server hacked? the green LED on the front was constantly on or blinking, indicating that there is read/write activity. However the led continued blinking even when there was no connection of my machines. From outside perhaps? Hardly possible with a firewall.
Some research unveiled that there is a media crawler active on the media server, indexing and reformatting pictures. I wanted to turn the crawler of because the server got hot and was working continuously. Here is how to.

maandag 2 maart 2015

Snow's cholera map revisited

The cholera map of John Snow from 1854  solved the mystery of cholera by relating it to contaminated wells and pumps. It is also a classical example of GIS analysis. It has also become  a paradigm for data journalism.

Now Snow's data are re-analyzed and mapped using R and Open Street maps. Here are two interesting maps.

zondag 1 maart 2015

New Tablet: Samsung SM T800

Can you control your phone and laptop from an android tablet? With the Samsung SM T800  you can. Just bought one with a keyboard cover. It is fast, nice screen, multi tasking and tons of apps. With Hancom Office you can use Powerpoint, Excel or Word. When all your documents are in the cloud, you only have to take this tablet to be in business everywhere.