donderdag 21 augustus 2014


I bought myself a new gadget, the Samsung Gear Fit. I still had an analogue watch and was looking for something new. There are lot of wrist computer for sales. While browsing I fell in love with the Samsung Gear. Slick design with a curved display.
It not only a watch, but with a Bluetooth connection with my Samsung Galaxy S5 it also notifies me, when selected, of incoming mail, appointments, SMS, tweets or Facebook updates. On top of this the device gathers data of my physical activities, such as running, biking and the heartbeat of course. Nice gadget for 150€.  Published on Memeburn


Slow, terrible slow, I was on the brink of throwing the Asus in the garbage container and buy a new one. Nothing helped,  though I could try to crack and put on a new operating system on the device. If I bricked the device nothing was lost.
I bought the Asus a couple of year ago and reviewed it. I was pretty enthusiastic about the performance.  Asus however never send an update, so the device was still running Android 4.1.1 and got stuck in the mud of data, folders and apps. Cracking the Asus prime is not for the weak at heart. First you have to unlock the boot loader and next you have to root it. After that you have to install the new recovery mode and finally you can start installing a new operating system. Cyanogen-mod I had tried on my cell phone, a Samsung Galaxy Si 9000,  which was a good experience. For the Asus Cyanogen Mod has Android 4.4.2 available.

zondag 3 augustus 2014

PLURALISM & OPENNES are key in the SA Twitter network

By Peter Verweij and Elvira van Noort

Twitter has changed the way in which journalists
do their work – they need a new set of skills to stay
relevant in their field. “If you as a journalist don’t use
it, you do yourself a disservice as news breaks on Twitter,
radio, television, newspaper – in that order”, argues Radio702
presenter Aki Anastasiou. South African freelance journalist
and avid Twitter user Gus Silber adds that “hardly any major
news event these days goes unaccompanied by analysis of what
people are saying about it on Twitter”. It is clear that Twitter
has changed their news routine and their relationship with the
Download the full issue in pdf format of Rhodes Journalism Review at: