zondag 28 oktober 2012

How Data Can Save Journalism

Everybody has a mouthpiece now and the social media are facilitating this. News is everywhere and breaking news on the front page becomes obsolete, because the news is already out on social media like Twitter, Facebook and blogs. Is this also the end of journalism as far as we know it? (http://memeburn.com/2012/08/will-the-real-journalists-please-stand-up/)
Tweeps, bloggers and Facebook adapts are taking over the role of journalists, but is it quality reporting and professional journalism? Print media at least in Western part of the world are in bad weather: news papers are closing or merging and journalists are laid off. The public finds the news on the social media, and is ending their subscriptions. On the other hand the demand for quality reporting: background, news analysis and investigations is rising. Data journalism is one of the possibilities to renew journalism. (Published on Memeburn: http://memeburn.com/2012/10/how-data-can-save-journalism-as-we-know-it/)

vrijdag 12 oktober 2012

De hinkstapsprong van de datajournalistiek

Datajournalistiek is een combinatie van verhalende journalistiek en verifiërende wetenschap. Phillip Meijer omschreef het in de Hedy Lamarr Lecture alsvolgt: “..in the second half of the 20th century, (when) journalists began experimenting with two new ways of making the quest for truth more manageable. Precision journalism borrowed the tools of science. Narrative journalism was based on art. In their early stages, these two approaches seemed to be in conflict. My argument today is that, in the 21st century, we should consider the possibility that we need both”. Heel mooi, maar deze combinatie heeft flink wat problemen. Zonder nuance en kort door de bocht: journalisten zijn slecht in rekenen en wetenschappers schrijven nogal saai. Hoe breng je dat samen? Henk van Ess en Hille van der Kaa, doen in het Handboek Datajournalistiek een geslaagde poging.
Gepubliceerd op De Nieuwe Reporter  en Persinnovatie

dinsdag 9 oktober 2012

HA-Twitter Network in Fusion Tables

The interactive graph below is a visualisation of the HA Twitter network in Fusion Tables network.